Wordpress Theme

Challenge 6: Ending

Posted by Racket2000 on Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Hello. I'm here with the end of challenge 6. Now, let me judge are four entry's. I know the person who did each entry.

Entry 1: I know you're not the most experienced banner creator in the world. Thus, I think you could probably do a little better. I hope you don't get voted off. You have a chance to remain in this game.

Entry 2: You are a experienced banner creator who has been creating banners for a long time! Come on! I know you could do better than this!!

Entry 3: This is awesome. Awesome! But, you did it very quickly. You didn't take your time. Also, I know you can make banners even cooler than this.

Entry 4: This is AMAZING! YOU MADE THIS WITH PAINT!!! OMG!! You have never created a banner before. I'm impressed.

Okay... so now you want to know who won the immunity this week? It is.............................


Dude, I think you honestly tried the hardest. Now, it's vote off time.

I want you to tell me who you want to vote off when you see me on xat.



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