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The First Death (AND NEW CHALLENGE!)

Posted by Racket2000 on Sunday, April 11, 2010


Okay! Here is what I've got to say! Someone is going to die, and I will post about the 2nd Challenge... Okay, first the death.

Tyler: So whats my PayCheck today Mr. Journal!?
Journal: Shut up Tyler!
Foopyblue2: Do we really have to send a sacrifice to turn off the bomb?
Journal: Yes!
Rissabo: Oh, no!
Slidoo: Yikes, what will happen if we don't?
Journal: Simple, Clubpenguin will blow up!

Both teams spent the whole day yesterday, trying to decide who to Sacrifice. Then someone stepped out of the crowd. They actually said they would do that. That very loving penguin... was...


CoolGem50: *Goes to the bomb at the Ice Rink* *Discovers it buried underground*
Swimpeng2007: *Talking off walkie talkie* My dad is great at programming and deprogramming stuff. He taught me how to do the stuff. Cut the blue wire. Then the red wire. Then the green wire.
CoolGem50: *Shaking real bad* Okay. I'm scared Swim! Are you sure it won't blow up.
Swimpeng2007: Certainly.

But. Swimpeng2007 was WRONG! Tyler set it so it would blow up when you touched it.

The Bomb went off!

Thanks for playing CoolGem50! Try out again next season. You can still come to challenges and comment!

And for the challenge:

Journal: I want you to solve a riddle. A hard riddle. A very hard riddle. But, my pet Dragon needs food. After all, he is a very big dragon. One of you will be Dragon Food. But, you get to decide.
This is a Team Effort. The team who gets the most correct answers, will get immunity. Heres the riddle:

When I was going to JamesTown,
I met a man with 7 wives,
The 7 wives had 7 sacks,
The 7 sacks had 7 cats,
The 7 cats had 7 Kits,
How many went to JamesTown?

Okay, you are allowed to discuss this in my chat. Click here! You have about 1 week!

See you in a while,




  1. Anonymous

    I think it is 50 things?

  1. Slidoo

    1 person, you! If you mean coutning all the snacks and stuffs which I doubt (I'm pretty positive) you want us to do, then... 30 things. I will talk with my team and decide which answer to use (I think it's 1)

  1. natom24

    Why did you pin the death on me.

  1. Lily


  1. Lily

    And can you please help me with my question? Do you count yourself? (THe man?)

  1. David Louch

    i voted for myself :D GOOD LUCK GREEN TEAM, SORRY I DIED! and racket, i e-mailed u the vid, and i can film all the other challenges too if you want.

  1. Lily

    Coolgem is brave :| To die for his team?!?!?!?!?!?

  1. natom24

    I know the answer.

  1. Piper

    ONE person went to JamesTown. You did! Everything else were things that you already saw there. Therefore, you were the only one who went.

  1. Maddi

    I think 49 went to the town.

  1. Lily

    I completely agree with Lemon. 1 person went XD

  1. theman009

    I know the answer but I can't say it!!! UGH!!!!!

  1. theman009

    Swimpeng!!! Check my site!! There are two challenges today!

  1. Jamesscn

    I remember something like this, but I don't remember the answer

  1. Jamesscn

    Its one person! and if that's not enough, there is a total of 2,801 wives, sacks, cats and kits!

  1. Jamesscn

    oops! The total of 2,801 is wrong I think

  1. Kingfisher81

    I know this one, but im not in the compitition, so i cant say it.....

  1. theman009

    How can Coolgem play next season if he got blown up? LOL XD

  1. Rissabo

    The answer is one

  1. ĞhjĞhj 234

    I think 1!

  1. ĞhjĞhj 234

    oh and its 234 not 232

  1. theman009

    Come to thejungleofthem.blogspot.com

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